Bed bug deterrents do not need to be toxic to offer 100 percent effectiveness. They just need to turn the bed bug off from targeting a specific home, luggage, overnight bag, backpack, or individual. Unlike the flea and tick parasites, the bed bug parasite prefers human blood to animal blood. It is crucial to know your risks everywhere you go. If you are a frequent traveler, college dorm resident, or patron at a hotel, your risks are higher than other individuals, which is where a bed bug deterrent could come into play.
Essential oils, such as lavender, peppermint, and tea tree, are believed to be bed bug deterrents. Just a small dab on your furniture, carpet, luggage, or shoes may be enough to deter from entering your home and personal space.
A natural deterrent produced by the bed bug nymph only affects the adult male. The nymph emits a secretion that tells the adult male it is too young to mate. This is a unique bed bug deterrent that is impossible to mimic.
A study conducted by USDA and Rutgers University researchers focused on the essential oils – silicone and paraffin – to determine if it was an effective natural bed bug pesticide. The study revealed silicone and paraffin oils had properties that were toxic to bed bugs in all phases of the life cycle.
The researchers utilized one part water and three parts silicone oil and one part water and three parts paraffin oil, both of which proved to be effective bed bug toxins.
We suggest a DIY essential oil deterrent study. Essential oils are effective in treating mild symptoms like nausea, mild pain, rash, and stuffy nose. They are also utilized as a flavoring for food. There is no end to the possibilities when it comes to essential oils.
Bed bug encounters can occur without a moment’s notice. Being prepared in advance will keep you safe during these encounters.
Tips On How To Hire A Bed Bug Exterminator
Are you worried that your home might be infested with bed bugs? Well, you are right to worry, because these critters are nasty and problematic.