What Scent Keeps Bed Bugs Away?

Bed bug deterrents do not need to be toxic to offer 100 percent effectiveness. They just need to turn the bed bug off from targeting a specific home, luggage, overnight bag, backpack, or individual. Unlike the flea and tick parasites, the bed bug parasite prefers human blood to animal blood. It is crucial to know … Read more

Top Places Bed Bugs Hide

Bedbugs are problematic and sneaky. Are you worried that your home might have a bedbug infestation? If so, you need to work diligently to identify the infestation. As long as you know where to look, you’ll likely be able to solve the problem on your own. Bedbugs rarely grow larger than a quarter of an … Read more

Tips To Avoid Bed Bugs While Traveling

When traveling domestically or internationally, take steps to avoid a future bedbug infestation. Failing to do so could mean that you’re going to take bedbugs home with you. Follow the SLEEP acronym to avoid such problems when traveling and sleeping at a motel. S Is For Survey First and foremost, you need to make sure … Read more

How To Make Bed Bugs Come Out Of Hiding?

Bed bugs are tiny insects that are difficult to detect by the naked eye. Unfortunately, people are sharing their living spaces with bed bugs without their knowledge. Until a bite appears on the body, the bed bugs will continue to remain undetected. If you decide to take the DIY route, we suggest initiating your search … Read more

How Does Your Exterminator Check For Bed Bugs?

Most exterminators utilize a cheat sheet to search for bed bugs in homes. Our Baltimore exterminators take a different approach to bed bug inspections. Instead of relying on cheat sheets, we know the bed bug’s favorite hiding places, which are in close proximity to the human host. Bed bugs are not nocturnal insects but they … Read more

Best Mattress Covers For Stopping Bed Bugs

As a renter or homeowner in Baltimore, you need to do everything you can to defend your home from bedbugs. Although your options are plentiful, you should not ignore the benefits of bedbug mattress covers. These products can make a big difference. Bedbug Mattress Cover Importance If you’re not using a bedbug mattress cover, you’re … Read more

Tips On How To Hire A Bed Bug Exterminator

Are you worried that your home might be infested with bed bugs? Well, you are right to worry, because these critters are nasty and problematic. While these bugs are not known to carry or spread any diseases, it is possible that they can cause physical and mental health problems. For instance, bites can become infected … Read more

Tips For Finding The Best Bed Bug Exterminator

As a homeowner, it will be your responsible to solve problems around and within your property. This is undoubtedly easier said and done sometimes. Some problems, such as a bug infestation, can truly cause immense turmoil and will turn your entire life upside down. When you’ve discovered bedbugs inside of your home, you’ll have no … Read more

How Bed Bug Exterminators Deal With Infestations

Over the past few years, bed bugs are starting to show up more and more throughout home across the world. It was only a few decades ago that you hardly ever heard about a bed bug infestation. Now it seems like every time you turn around you are hearing about a home or hotel being … Read more